Monday, October 22, 2012

A Haunted Spot Unlike Any Other

Unlike the usual haunted houses people are known to explore and try to see for themselves what all the tales are about, the Aokigahara forest is a little bit different. Most of the people that go into the sea of trees never come out again. According to the "Japan Suicide Forest: Is a Novel to Blame for Hundreds of Deaths?", a staff reporter states that the Japanese authorities clear about a hundred bodies every year. A geologist by the name of Azusa Hayano decides to go into the forest to explore the graveyard. "Abandoned cars occupy the parking lot, as their owners entered from here and never came out" says Hayanio. Signs were placed whitin the forest with phrases like "Your life is a precious gift from your parents" and "Please think about your parents, siblings and children." Signs that obviously don't have an effect. Hayano also finds tape on the tress, usually leading to a corpse. He believes when people are indecisive about whether to go through it or not, they wrap tape on a tree as a reference point to finding their way back. As you can see the Aokigahara forest shouldn't be a hot spot for outsiders. Recently, however according to "Intruders Tangle 'Suicide Forest' with Tape", the forest has become a favorite spot for campers, off-road bikers and survival game enthusiasts. Their intent is getting out alive on returning alive, mark their route with tape. The writer of the article Yuki Okado decided to join the Fujisan Rangers, a group of part-time prefectural employees on a patrol in Aokigahara. However, the only thing he seemed to comment on was the tape left behind. Scared perhaps? So how come there isn't too many sources to document their experience through the forest? Maybe due to the fact that it is a dark graveyard that doesn't attract too many out lookers. Or maybe, since the forest is in Japan not too many Americans find their way to the phenomenon.

"Japan Suicide Forest: Is a Novel to Blame for Hundreds of Deaths?" International Business  Times. N.p., 10 Apr. 2012. Web. 22 Oct. 2012.

Okado, Yuki. "Intruders Tangle 'Suicide Forest' with Tape." N.p., 3 May 2008. Web. 22 Oct. 2012.

Andrew. "Lucid Dreams and Saturn Skies." Lucid Dreams and Saturn Skies. N.p., 17 June 2011. Web. 22 Oct. 2012. <>.

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