Monday, October 15, 2012

A General Look into the Perfect Place to Die

The main cause of haunting and reported paranormal activity always seems to lead back to suicide. So what does that make the Aokigahara forest? According to the research I done made so far, the forest has gotten multiple nicknames through the years. They range from  "Japan's haunted forest of death" and "The perfect place to die" in research. So how creepy can this forest really be to acquire these nicknames? Although the number is not accurate it is estimated over five-hundred people have successfully found comfort in the darkness of the trees and decided to commit suicide. Matters have escalated so high that in the 1970's the Japanese government decided to do annual investigations in the eerie place on search of the bodies of the people who lost their way. Personally, I have no doubt that this place is filled with supernatural activity. When I first ran into this mystery my first question was "Why haven't I heard of this before?" It is my intent to dig deep into the grounds of the forest (not literally of course) and find out what is making so many people end their lives in this tree dominated landscape.

Aokigahara Forest, Japan. Digital image. 5 Creepiest Places in the World. N.p., Nov. 2010. Web. 15 Oct. 2012. <>.

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