Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Conclusion to the Perfect Place to Die

Why is the Aokigahara such a hot spot for suicides? Is it haunted by the spirits of the dead? After spending multiple days contemplating the reason why so many suicides take place in the Aokigahara Forest I have came to a conclusion. I believe there are factors that play a part. First, Kuroi Jukai, the novel published about two lovers who commit suicide in the forest seems to be a big factor. After the novel was released the suicides started to increase by a great number. The romance portrayed in the book is an attraction to outsiders, everyone wants that eternal love. Second, the fact that the sea of trees was in The Complete Manual of Suicide also plays a big part. The manual is often found with the belongings of the lost souls, they actually believe the forest is "The perfect place to die." Third, the fact that the forest is in complete darkness and pretty much impossible to get out is also a reason. Like in similar reported cases many people change their minds and decide to trace their steps with the help of tape but fail. Some are in the forest for days and die or starvation. Compasses and GPS systems don't seem to work when you go deep in the darkness, so even if they tried the forest makes in close to impossible to get out alive. Is the forest haunted? When Lisa Lee Harp Waugh took
an exploration through the trees she claims she was possessed by a spirit. Do I believe this? No. I believe the forest is haunted however. With so many people deciding to take their lives there has to be some sort of paranormal activity within the forest. Some residents claim spirits don't allow suiciders to have a way out. They want them too share the same fate they did. I believe this, yes. Haunted or not, the Aokigahara is the second most common destination for people who want to end their lives. There is striking evidence that shows thaat. Even animals like to stay away, the wild life in the forest is very small. Unlike a haunted house, I believe the forest has a real reason why people are so afraid to walk within the trees.

"Before Magnificent Mount Fuji Volcano Erupts…[46 PICS]." Before Magnificent Mount Fuji Volcano Erupts…[46 PICS]. N.p., 15 Sept. 2012. Web. 24 Oct. 2012. <>.

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